Most people live in artificial environments.
You go to work in a cubicle.
You work out in a cubicle.
You eat in a cubicle.
You go to bed in a cubicle.
Your life is ruled by going from one cubicle to another.
This is NOT natural to how we humans used to live.
We used to be outside.
Touching grass.
Climbing trees.
Feeling the sunlight.
Humans are designed to move their body in nature.
And this is not how we live today.
We have built artificial environments.
And it’s making us sick. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually.
Luckily there’s a solution:
To live like Indigenous people do.
It’s the greatest advice I can give to anybody who struggling – study indigenous life and apply it to your own.
But you don’t need to study it anymore. I’ve done the work for you. 🙂
Here are the 7 Indigenous Wisdoms that will make you healthier than 99% of people:
1. Movement
Training isolated muscle groups is a Western idea.
Indigenous fitness focuses on full-body movements: Pushing, Pulling, squatting, lunging, hip hinging, rotating, walking & running.
Lesson: Embrace the natural world as your Gym.
2. Land
The Indigenous didn’t evolve separately from the land.
They know the land is an extension of themselves.
Lesson: Get out of your 4 walls – feel the fresh air and sunlight.
3. Community
The Indigenous understand that Community gives spiritual grounding, purpose & meaning.
Building a community is their priority & it should be yours too.
Reach out to old friends, join new groups & serve others.
4. Ceremony
Indigenous people use ceremonies to celebrate milestone events and to align with the earth, plants & animals.
These rituals and repetitive songs & dances guide you to the present moment & heighten your awareness.
And this is how your ceremonies could look like: Gratitude prayers, Mindful movement, Distraction-free meals, Spiritual Gatherings.
5. Sacred Place
Indigenous wisdom recognizes that surroundings shape you in many ways.
Fill your environment with sunlight, plants, scents, fresh herbs, flowers, group furniture, fresh air & lively colors.
6. Sleep
The Indigenous know sleep is the foundation for everything else in life.
They are aligned with the natural cycles – they sleep when the sun sets and wake up when the sun rises.
Lesson: Fix your sleep cycles, minimize artificial light & unwind without screens for better sleep and energy.
7. Food
For Indigenous people food embodies ancestry, creativity, and spiritual wealth as much as physical health.
Western society has lost meaning, gratitude & connection with their food.
Learn to eat mindfully & respect your food.
That’s it…
These 7 practices will heal you.
There’s no way how you cannot be healthy after following the indigenous traditions.
The Indigenous carry deep wisdom that has been forgotten in our Western society.
It’s time to go back to the source…
Much love,