Most advice for people in their 20s is broad and unspecific:
Self-help books and self-improvement gurus tell you:
“Trust life”
“Set goals”
“Stay positive”
“Explore and learn”
“Find your passion”
“Believe in yourself”
“Take care of yourself”
But that doesn’t seem to help. Such generic advice can confuse you even more. It
definitely didn’t help me.
“Yeah but how???” I asked myself every time I read such things. So now I’m writing the book
that I wish I would’ve had when I was 20.
I spent 1000s of $ on education, courses, and mentors to learn the lessons I will present to
you here.
I want to give you a clear path on how to act in your 20s WITHOUT needing to spend that
In this post, I lay out the greatest lessons I learned in the past 6 years.
I’ve talked to 1000’s of people in their 20’s and I saw a common theme:
Most people in their 20’s lack direction and purpose.
Most don’t know where they are going, what they are doing, and what direction to take.
So we end up settling for paths that weren’t meant for us.
Let me know if any of this sounds familiar:
- You feel pressure to make the most out of your 20’s but don’t know how
- You are in a job you don’t like because you don’t know what else to do
- The abundance of options you have is overwhelming and paralyzing
- You go to University to study a subject you’re not even interested in
- You are afraid to make the wrong decisions
- You feel like you’re behind in life
If that sounds like you then read along cause the unspoken rules I will present to you will teach you how to:
- Stop feeling lost and confused
- make the most out of your 20’s
- find the perfect career path suited for you
- build meaningful lifelong friendships and relationships
and much more…
Let’s dive in.
8 Rules To Make the Most out of your 20s:
Rule 1: Most problems are solved by getting in shape, eating right, and sleeping well
I studied Psychology. But the reality is:
Taking care of your body solves most of your mental health issues.
The way you take care of yourself (or don’t) in your 20s will be seen in your 30s.
If you spent your 20’s:
- Stagnant
- eating unhealthy food
- having disrupted sleep
You may not feel it in your 20’s. But in your 30’s you will:
- Be overweight
- Have no energy
- And be sick constantly
It will come crashing down in your 30’s. And then will be much harder to fix.
So it’s absolutely crucial to get your health in order. NOW.
Rule 2. Playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you can do
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg
People will pressure you to get a job and stay there to be safe (even if you don’t like it).
But your 20’s are not the time to play it safe.
It’s the time to take risks because most of us are not responsible for anyone yet (family, kids, etc..)
Staying in a job you don’t like you will look back in your 30s and regret that you haven’t tried.
Rule 3: Growing up means to become your own person
You are conditioned by your parents, teachers and other authority figures.
While that’s beneficial to learn social and cultural dynamics, it also makes you dependent.
Growing up means breaking that conditioning to become your own person.
And that starts by saying: “My life is up to me”.
You can’t just wait around and follow others’ lead, no one is coming to rescue you and it’s up to you to make your life’s worth.
That might be scary to realize but understand that there’s no magic here.
You have to become your own person – the earlier you accept this the better.
Rule 4: Go on a Hero’s Journey
The Hero’s Journey is a concept brought by the Psychoanalyst “Joseph Campbell”.
An adventure into the unknown – the exploration of the depth inside you and the world.
it’s in the unknown where Growth happens.
If you never leave the borders of the known:
- You won’t ever find the hero inside.
- You won’t ever find the potential you have.
- You won’t ever find the reason you were put on this earth.
If you always stay in the known you end up living a life of meaninglessness and nihilism.
So confront your fears, seek discomfort, and face what you’re ashamed of.
That’s the way of the hero.
Rule 5: Learning how to communicate is more important than your degree
Effective communication is how you become the charismatic, confident and influential person you want to be.
It’s your way to break free of your mask of insecurity, free to walk with an open heart and armed with the skillsets to influence other people.
Here’s how:
- Take up Space: have your feet shoulder-width apart, when sitting down extend your arm over the chair next to you, open up your chest, and expose your belly and throat (communicates you feel comfortable and you’re not afraid of external threats).
- Slow down your speech and movements: Iim at talking 30-40% slower than you normally do. This small fix removes all your filler words, makes you more comfortable with silence and makes people listen to you more.
- Speak louder: Whenever you speak, you have to mean it. Speak with confidence and assertiveness – trust yourself enough to speak louder.
- Hold eye contact: When we feel uncomfortable we tend to look down. Don’t do this – this signals submission. You want to hold strong eye contact when you speak.
Rule 6: Hedonism leads to depression
Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure regardless of the long-term potentially painful consequences.
Learn to resist temptations like unhealthy food, impulsive sex, alcohol, drugs & gambling
Because in your 20s you shouldn’t do what’s good for you. You should do what’s good for the “future you”.
And the more you delay gratification in your 20s the healthier you will be in your 30s.
Rule 7: Responsibility is the only true antidote to suffering
if you want to live a life where you feel in control, adopt this mindset:
“The problem is always me. Even if it’s not.”
Ruminating about whose fault it is serves no purpose. It’s always you.
And this is not a message to put you down and say “I’m no good for anything and should just give up”.
It’s a message of empowerment.
Because if you believe the world is the reason you suffer, you’re a victim. You’re powerless. There’s nothing you can do.
But if you believe you’re the reason for your suffering, you’re in control. You have the power to change your life in a good direction.
So you choose: Are you gonna be a victim who blames the world? Or are you going to be a positive force who takes responsibility for his life?
Rule 8: Your friends determine your success
“Show me your 5 closest friends and I will tell you who you are” – Vladimir Lenin
Your environment shapes you. More than you think.
So choose your friends wisely. They can either make or break you.
You won’t achieve anything in life if have bad surroundings (trust me on this).
Here’s how to spot bad friends:
- They don’t celebrate your wins and don’t pick you up when you lose.
- They talk about things they “might” do but never do.
- They push you to hedonistic behavior (see Rule 6).
- They talk bad about other people.
- They don’t interest in your life.
- They complain about life.
- They lie.
If more 3 or more of the things I listed above are true – leave them. Now.
That’s it.
I guarantee, implement these rules and you will change the direction of your life.
until next time my friend.