In June 2023 I started my Online Business.
What followed was 12 months of constant fear, worry, and stress.
“That’s normal” the YouTube gurus would say to me – “Business is hard. You just need to work harder”.
But is that really the case?
I always found there is something heavily flawed about that statement…
Fear, worry, stress, anxiety – I’m here to tell you:
They don’t have to be a constant part of your entrepreneurial journey (or life in general).
The more I do business the more I believe I don’t have to live in that state. Because the truth is:
Business is not the issue. Resistance is. You can choose to step out.
Let me explain:
You’re not stressed because of what happens in your life (business). You’re stressed because you’re afraid to be open toward life (your business).
Life is unfolding – your job is to be open to the experiences life wants you to have. So when your business is going to hell, that’s exactly the experience life wants you to have.
You need to develop the habit of trusting life that it knows what it’s doing. So the solution to chronic suffering?
Radical Openness.
Radical openness is the art of accepting what is instead of wishing it be something else. The art of staying wide open and being vulnerable – to sit with the mystery and the unbearable pain – to be with it all.
Do your best in life and business but remain open to whatever experience you are meant to have.
If you see it from that perspective, grieving is not the problem. Anger is not the problem. Anxiety is not the problem.
The problem is you don’t allow yourself to grief. To feel anxious. To feel anger.
That doesn’t mean to act on your feelings. It means to feel your feelings. Feel your feelings and you’ll create freedom and abundance.
So all you need to do is:
Feel the tightness in your chest. Feel that churn in your stomach. Be open to your feelings instead of resisting them.
Because the boundary to what you can accept is the boundary to your freedom. The more you open your heart amidst the stress, anxiety, and worry, the more free you become.
Practice radical openness in business:
- feel the shame when you get rejected
- feel the grief when you lose tons of money
- feel the anxiety before your “highly important” sales call
Be with it all. Leave your heart open. Don’t close. In business and life, remain open – That’s all you need to do here.
With love,